Welcome to BareSole Yoga's virtual studio!
For updates, classes, privates, events, and possible future in-person retreats, join the mailing list.
New Students: please before purchasing |
Class Card, $136*
For any weekly class |
Drop In Class, $17*
For any weekly class  |

Kripalu yoga is a modern style of yoga that has been adapted from ancient Hatha yoga practices. At the core, it consists of physical postures, accompanied by breathing and relaxation practices. The aim of Kripalu yoga is to guide the awareness of the yogi inward focusing on the flow of prana, or life force energy. Weaving in other aspects of yoga such as mudras, bhavanas (images), poetry, meditation, and yoga nidra, enriches and deepens the practice. |
Weekly Classes for 2022 |
Mondays, 7-8:30pm: |
Gentle Kripalu Yoga and Meditation |
Tuesdays, 7-8:15pm: |
Kripalu Yoga, Moderate |
Wednesdays, 9:30-10:45am: |
Gentle Kripalu Yoga |
Fridays, 9-10:30am: |
Kripalu Yoga, all levels |
Monthly Classes for 2022 |
Thursdays, bi-monthly, 7-8:30pm: |
Meditation or Yoga Nidra |
Special Fridays, monthly, 9-10:30am: |
Yoga with Live Music |
Sundays, monthly, 6-8pm: |
Restorative Yoga |
Class Themes and Inspirations for 2022 |
Patanjali's 8 limbs
the 5 koshas
the 5 elements
the 7 chakras
Ayurvedic principles
Mantras and Mudras
the Language of Poetry
the 5 Kleshas
the 5 senses |
Fees are Non-Refundable
DISCLAIMER: Not all yoga exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any yoga or fitness program may result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury, consult your physician and closely monitor your participation based upon your individual capacities. The creators, producers, and distributors expressly disclaim any liability for personal injury, losses, or damages related to this program and the exercises and instruction it contains.
Puttini o nadia@baresoleyoga.com |